Ministerial Order #014/2024
Pursuant to the above Ministerial Order, Mountain View Academy, (MVA) has created the following policy:
- All mobile devices are collected in homeroom in designated baskets. These baskets are then collected by the principal/designate and locked in the main office. Mobile devices are returned to students at the end of the day or when the student leaves for the day, whichever comes first. Students are advised of this policy and are responsible for following it. Teachers are required to remind students at the beginning of the day and to be vigilant during school hours to ensure that students are not attempting to violate the policy.
- If a teacher believes that student(s) require their mobile device/social media access for an educational purpose, the teacher will consult with the principal/designate to outline the rationale behind it.
- Students, on an individual basis, may approach the principal/designate if he/she believes the mobile device/social media access is genuinely needed during the school day.
- When students are allowed off campus for lunch, mobile devices are provided for payment/security reasons. Students are required to return the mobile device at the start of their afternoon class. If a student violates this policy, the student will lose the ability to go off campus for lunch the next week and a parent interview will be held.
- In the event of any other breach of the mobile policy, the teacher will inform the principal/designate who then arranges a meeting with the parents and students. During this meeting, the Ministerial Order and MVA Student Handbook are reviewed and a commitment to respecting the policy will be obtained.
- Repeat offenders will be referred to the Board of Directors for further disciplinary action.
- At the beginning of the year, all students review the MVA Student Handbook. This handbook is sent home to be reviewed and signed by both. This serves as the annual notification to parents.
Approved: September 2024